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Role of Grameen Stikkha (Rural Education) in education programmed

Grammen Shikkha is passing 10years in this year. There is no separate books about G.S. I have reviewed magazine, leaflet, booklet, repot which is got from head office and branch office of G.S. The starting, objectives and functions of G.S are described in theses documents. The magazine named Grameen Shikkha programme committed towards the disadvantaged advancing education discusses about SMP, LOEP, ECD, ECCD.
In the half yearly news litter of programmes as will as the letters of Dr. Yunus for the students who have got scholarship wishes a successful future for these meritorious students.
In the leaflet of G S evaluation of G S, objectives that is Education helps the poor acquire more information for themselves, broden their views and achieve a sense of dignity. It makes them aware of their rights and responsibilities and helpful in the maximums use of all other resources at this disposal are discussed briefly.
So, to spread life oriented education programme among poor women UNESC G.S has made a guideline. In this guideline at first step ideas about the fundamental system of education like reading, writing, letter writing, sentence making, and finally about to judge them through group presentation are discussed. In the second phase they are taught writing, Booklet are provided for them.They are also given reading materials from resource van named Hiramon which is such a centre that provides books as will as display of audio-visual caste. All these elements are provided to the learners according to their requirements. The objective and using system of Hinamon are discussed here. In the last of the book calculation as well as planning of coalition are discussed. In the third and forth phase strategy and objectives of the study, judging the performance of participants strategy of judging and standing of review, the responsibility of the assistant of education programme are discussed openly.
 The book discussed The meaning of three branches of education namely formal informal and non formal is to be literacy not only means capable of writing and reading but also broadens our consideration.There is an attempt to make a relation between literacy and development by discussing them individually. To do all this work properly the institution is needed every ones help. So, the manager leader, adviser,assistant, traineers as well as the responsibility of caretaker are discussed here.

To ensure the rights of education as well as social and political rights of women as a major part of family to develop family planning, to prevent early marriage and polygamy, to build a furnished future of children are given importance in Jibon nirdeshike as most of the people of villages are not interested to take loan from bank of being uneducated, so the system of taking and submitting loan, the advantage of invest, the easy way of providing loan by Grameen Bank are discussed for the development of people. Marriage is a fundamental issue of society, so the necessity of registration marriage, eradication of dowry system, employment of women for overall family support,the disadvantage of being over populated are also discussed.

The writer tahsina Ahamed has given importance to the necessity of family law for preventing womens oppression in LOEP. The necessity of registration of marriage and polygamy, biting kidnap, rape acid throwing the rights of women in properties. wage law as well as the punishment for trapping false evidence are discussed openly in the program.