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History of Grameen Bank

Grameen Bank is a bank of poor. Loan from government bank is provided to the people who have the ability to carry higher range of interest. Govt. want to complete their duty by doing some welfare work for the poor. But never think proper and real development by moving poverty.“Among these poor people women are the most sufferer because of being a member of poor family and of being women.” Poverty, lack of food, oppression are their 24 hours follower so, women of poor family are always ready to struggle against poverty, if they have any opportunity.

Women want to find out happiness is their children happiness. Besides, development of family & society is certain, if economic help touches women replacing men. If the objectives of economic development is developing life leading, reducing poverty, opportunity of proper employment and the freedom of being free from all kinds of discrimination then at first concentrations must be given to women. But the traditional banking system of Bangladesh deprived women to get loan. If she goes to get loan she is asked to go with her husband. Realizing this discrimination, Dr. Md. Yunus decided to provide loan to those women and he also decide to give priority at least 50% to those women.

But it was not so easy to introduce this system. Because in patriarcal society, head of the family is a male. The religions leaders with the head of the family raised their voices against it. Even women, for whom this programme was introduced did not come forward to encourage it. When Dr. Yunus tried to convince women’s from door to door, they replied that Dr. Yunus should talk with their husband because male members of family could understand better about money. To tackle this objection from women and objections from male members of society and family Dr. Yunus talked widely with their husband. After being informed every thing, they did not disagreed. Thus services of Grameen Bank was started is village Jabra.

Dr Yunws wase asked by central bark why most of the loan holders of Grameen bank are women? In the meeting of providing loan by central bank to poor people of village on behalf of USAID in 1978, Dr Yunus discussed about experiment agenda and success of repaying loan in Village Jobera. But at that time it was totally neglected. The opinion of specialist ofAmerica who were present their said that for a successful credit system it is important to increase the rate of interest.

Dr. Yunus took it as a challenge when central bank of Bangladesh considered it negligible and also started his function in Tangaile selected by central bank. Grameen bank loan holders were increased from 1100 to 20,000 in the time 1979 to 1982. Then central bank congratulated Grameen Bank but criticized against its small scale of loan. So Grameen Bank decided not to take help from central bank and communicated with the international

Loan donors organization. Finally International Fund for Agricultural Development gave them a loan of taka 3400000 to work in remote villages. The offices of Grameen Bank were trained with the ideas that for them there is only one principle of giving services.

After a few years later Dr. Yunus propose to establish Grameen Bank as a complete one but it was not accepted. In 1983 central bank confess GB as a separate bank but ownerships of 60 % for govt. while only 40% for loan holders was granted Dr Yunus disagreed it. After 2 years later in 1985 govt. war given 25% ownership and 75% for holders was granted. Then Grameen Bank was reignited as a complete one. Grameen Bank follows the principle of open market and their opinion is poor women should change their condition by earning. So, having attitude of social development Grameen Bank offers employment for poor. They believes it is possible to take a big campaign by organizing both micro credit holders and who save the loan. Thus Grameen Bank has started organizations like Grameen Phone, Grameen Cheek, Grameen Shokti, Grameen communication and at last grameen shikkhain 1997. Grameen Shikkha as a sister organization of grameen bank