looking for

The Social environment of the institution of education

Two aspects of social environment are important in the study of education –taht of the child and that of the system . This is not to say, of course, that there are two environments, but only that there are two important perspectives from which the social process may be viewed in both cases the environmental consists of intersecting and overlapping social groups and institutions. In looking at the school as a social establishment. surrounded by other groups we have to discover the extent to which it is able to control its own life There is however. a much more complicated level at which the influencing takes place, in this case, we have to look, at the extent to which the value –system and behavior bitterns oof outside groups interpenetrate those held by the personnel of the school. A simple diagram illustrates relations between the four elements. Relationships.
a. The child brings his own intellective skills and habits, attitudes, values, perceptions of reality to teacher, school and community.
b. The school is a social organization with its behavioral and value requirements to which child and teacher adapt. It will also have an unavoidable influence upon the surrounding community . It influences attitudes and knowledge of the community particularly in relation to education, its manpower output influences social structure.
c. The teacher brings intellective skills and a habits attitudes, values and perceptions of reality of interact with those of the child, school and community. Community influences the formal organization of the school ( Governors P.T.A. administration. politics etc.) It makes demands upon the teachers, produces the child before school and interacts with it through the child, Families, social classes, poor group and religion form the major groups.

Institutional and societal. By this we mean that the systems has its own problems manpower input and responsibility to society for output in this sections we we have to look at the population structure as an environment for educational system because it can have great importance for what is done or attempted. in schools. The education system deals with two kinds or personnel - children and adults. The total members of this category and their relative sizes have important consequences for both the functioning of the outside society To simplify a very complex process we can see that there are several elements in the balance between young and old in schools firstly the birth rate in each year decides, with immigration and old in schools Firstly the birth rate in each year decides, with immigration and emigration . How many children are to be included in the education system. Secondly the knowledge and values relating to teaching as a professions will also influence the decisions to use the training once its has been undergone. That decision to use training is an important and not a marginal factor is supported by the that 25% of the men students completing a graduate teaching qualifications at one British university in a recent year did not enter teaching in the following year.

The demographic environment of education, therefore, is not simply the age and sex structure of the population. Because personal decisions by both pupils and teachers play a part in determining the mixture of personnel and clients to be found in different parts of the system at different times, we have to take account of the normative order. It affects the proportions of an age cohort who stay at school and the numbers of teachers prepared to face them. Finally it helps to decide attitudes towards the suitability of the current balance and hence the attempts made to alter it.