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Free and Responsive Press and media for Democracy

An independent and responsive press and media is imperative for the proper working of democracy. A free press is regarded as the fourth organ of the state which plays a “responsive role in ensuring accountability and establishing the norms of open government.”[1]It performs the role of a public watchdog and raising heated debates on economic policy, monitors election, exposes human rights abuse,
political corruption and empower woman. For any democratic nation, a media functions with responsibility as mandatory institution. It represents the concern of average citizens and reports on incidents of corruption and injustice in the society. In a democracy, a free press is an effective channel of information on the use of funds and a forum for mobilizing public opinion and bringing it to focus on abuse of funds.

[1] Muhith, A. M. A.  Issues of Governance in Bangladesh, UPL, Dhaka, 2001, p. 37.