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Explanation of Poverty, Peace and Development

Poverty: Poverty is the crudest form of denial of opportunities and choices to human development. It is a vicious circle, has a long standing history. Still today, it exists as a curse. Poverty prevailed in the past, it exists no’s and it is likely to remain in the future as a course on the human society. Therefore, poverty free world may not be attained through eradications but it must be alleviated to a humane standards and tolerance.

The Latest form of the poverty fighting instruments is ‘micro-credit’ for the poor. It remains as a state and international strategy to help the poor against fighting the extreme poverty. It is globally recognized that micro-credit is the poverty fighting instruments.

Development: Development is “The gradual growth of something so that it becomes more advanced, stronger.”[1] In another place it has been defined as “Improvement in a country’s economic and social conditions. More specially it refers to improvements in ways of managing an area’s natural and human resources in order to create wealth and improve people’s lives.”[2] From the definition above, it is clear that the implicit concept of development indicates the incorporation of development goals that go beyond economic ones, and the wish of mutual cooperation and helping to own community.

Peace: Peace is a ultimate goal of every society. It has two dimensions: one is negative peace and other is positive peace. Peace researcher john Galtung Says, “Peace is the absence of violence.”[3] It is a narrow minded definition that is used for certain perspectives in some contest. On the contrary, James, H. Laue Defines Peace as a positive concept that is “A process of continuous and constructive management of differences toward the goal of more mutually satisfying relations, the preservation of escalation of violence and the achievement of those conditions that exemplify the universal well-being of human beings and their groups from the family to the culture and the state.”[4]
It is a broad minded definition that means, Peace is a development oriented term which indicates where there has no discrimination, injustice, inequalities, conflicts and violence of human rights. Everybody lives where without any tension and hesitation.

[1] A S Hornby, Oxford Advanced learners dictionary of current English, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, India, 2005,  P. 418.
[2] http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gesebitesize
[3] Johan Galtung, Violence and Peace, A Reader in Peace Studies, edt. Paul Smoker, Ruth Davies and Bashbara Munske, Pergamon Press, Toronto, 1990. p.9.
[4] Harun-ur-Rashid, An Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies, The University Press Ltd., Dhaka, 2005, P.p.1-2.

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