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Recommendation to The Ideal Primary Education for Bangladesh

  • For addressing the quality aspects, decentralization of administration and financial maximum are essential.
  • Undertaking an independent review of quality improvement aspects of mayor primary education development projects is a must. It is necessary to development a comprehensive and coordinate and quality improvement strategy and programme.
  • Existing list of competencies should be recognized and enhanced. Fresh orientation should be designed for teachers and supervisors.
  • Measurement indicators and standards for the competencies’ must be devised and introduced.
  • New materials and books should be introduced to engage students in creative and problem solving exercise in various subject areas.
  • It is important to raise the no of teachers to increase teacher pupil contact time and ensure their full time devotion to the task of teaching.
  • Training or teachers and educational officials is essential to upgrade efficiency.
  • Govt. Should take strict measures to ensure the supply of text books on time and khata and pencils free of costs, especially for those who are disadvantaged.
  • Autonomous district education authorities should be created for overall planning, maximum and accountability of primary education.
  • The proposed 8-year primary cycle should be implemented until the existing system is more responsive to the need of students.
  • Measures should be taken to create motivation for learning. Awareness campaign high lights economic and social benefits of education should be launched.
  • The effective participation of community in the maximum of schools should be ensured. Because, The community has important stakes in the education of the local children.
  • Govt. should double the GNP share of public resources allocation for education to 5% in the next 5 to 7 years.
  • Measures should be taken to improve the reach and performance of the secondary school system to create aspiration among primary students and their parents.