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Principles of Formulating NSDS of Bangladesh

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Government of Bangladesh came to an agreement in the middle of 2007 to prepare the NSDS for Bangladesh and to establish an institutional structure in the form of National Commission on Sustainable Development (NCSD) or any other appropriate body. The Government designated the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh as the National Focal Point (NFP) to coordinate the formulation of the NSDS, in close coordination with UNEP. The MoEF designated the Department of Environment as the executing agency for preparation of the NSDS.
The guideline for preparation of the NSDS for Bangladesh was prepared based on the guideline prepared by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). This guideline defined the Principles, Functions, Role and Elements of NSDS and Process in managing the sustainable development policies and actions in Bangladesh. The approaches and principles to be followed for formulation of NSDS for Bangladesh, considering country circumstances, are given below.
  • People Centered: The formulation process has followed People Centered approach in preparing NSDS for Bangladesh so as to ensure long-term beneficial impacts on disadvantaged and marginalized groups. Engagements of stakeholders at different stages of access to services for the people are key elements of people centered approaches;
  • Develop Long-term Vision: A long term vision for Bangladesh has developed in consultation with all relevant stakeholders. The long term vision has also identified short-term and medium term strategies and activities to help in achieving long-term vision;
  • Comprehensive and Integrated: Formulation of NSDS has made efforts in integrating economic, social and environmental objectives. Under each Strategic Priority Area several sub-strategies under three key elements of sustainable development have been identified;
  • Comprehensive and Reliable Analysis: An attempt has been made to identify priorities on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the present situation and of forecasted trends and risks, examining the links between local, national and global challenges;
  • High–level Government Commitments and Lead Institutions: The Ministry of Environment and Forests has set up a Steering Committee to guide the entire process of preparation which helps ensure high-level involvement and commitments. Attempts have also been made for ensuring such commitment involving national and local governments on a long term basis;
  • Link National and Local Level: During formulation of NSDS, the Project Management Office organized regional and national level consultation for active engagement both in preparation and implementation of National Sustainable Development Strategy by national and local government and general mass in implementing NSDS.
  • Building on Existing Mechanisms and Strategies: The National Sustainable Development Strategy has been built on existing policies, strategies and implementation mechanisms to ensure complementarities and coherence;
  • Develop and Build on Existing Capacities: Existing political, institutional, human, scientific and financial capacity of Bangladesh have been assessed at the outset of the NSDS. Emphasis has been given on building requisite capacities on a continuous basis for successful preparation and implementation of NSDS.
  • Incorporating Monitoring, Learning and Improvement: The NSDS has suggested appropriate indicators to monitor and evaluation the processes, track progress, capture lessons, and signaling for deviation if any.
The vision and strategic priority areas along with goals of the National Sustainable Development Strategy of Bangladesh have been identified through stakeholder consultations at national and regional levels. The objectives, targets and strategies suggested in the National Sustainable Development Strategy are primarily based on the outputs and findings of the consultations at various stages of its preparation. The consultation outputs have been reviewed and supplemented by the strategies envisaged in the existing national plans and strategies and sectoral policies.